Radix Astragalus 黄芪
Astragalus, Radix (Chinese: Huang qi; English: milk-vetch root) was called "the senior of all herbs" in the Essentials of the Materia Medica (1694AD).
Tonifies the Spleen, Stomach, qi and blood and benefits the immune
system (1,2). Research has shown it to lower blood pressure (3) and
increase endurance. This herb is considered one of the world's greatest
immune tonics and in fact is the principal substance listed in the
materia medica for stabilizing and strengthening the protective Qi
(immune system). Combines well with Ginseng, Glycyrrhizae, Angelica
Sinensis, Cinnamomi, or Paeoniae.
Notes: When
Astragalus and Ginseng are combined, they complement each other.
Astragalus contributes a quick, ascending quality, which stregthens the
exterior and Ginseng prolongs the action, supporting the deeper areas of
the body, and also nourishing and protecting the yin. This combination
provides the foundation for many formulas, including Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan and Shi Quan Da Bu Wan. You can also combine Astragalus with Codonopsis for the same effects as Codonopsis is commonly used as a Ginseng substitute.
Use 9-30 grams.
(1) Yun Nan Zhong Yi Za Zhi (Yunnan Journal of Chinese Medicine), 1980; 2:28
(2) Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Immunology, 1988 Mar. 25(3):125-9
(3) Intravenous injection of Huang Qi decreases blood pressure in anesthetized rabbits, dogs and cats. Guo Wai Yi Xue Can Kao Za Zhi (Foreign Journal of Medicine) 1977; 4:231Available from East Earth Trade Winds